Achieve more, stress less: Balancing ambition with self-care

Achieve more, stress less: Balancing ambition with self-care

Goal-crushing ambition is a good thing. Soul-crushing ambition is not. If you’re ambitious, congratulations! You’ve got drive, vision, and the grit to tackle new opportunities head-on. Whether you’re eyeing a promotion, launching a new business, or completing a huge...
Lifestyle changes: the key to sustainable personal growth

Lifestyle changes: the key to sustainable personal growth

Hey! It’s me, Denise, your friendly neighborhood goal-setting champion! Yes indeed, I’m all about the power of setting goals, but today, I’m switching things up.  You might be thinking, “Wait, isn’t she always and forever singing the praises of goal setting?”...
Say goodbye to writer’s block: Ten tips to keep your words flowing

Say goodbye to writer’s block: Ten tips to keep your words flowing

Hey there, fellow writers!  I may as well have begun with “Hey there, everyone,” because from what I can tell, everyone writes something at one point or another.  Not you, you say? You’re not a writer? Well, what about emails? Birthday cards? Grocery lists?...
Beyond the buzz: Balancing AI risk and reward for business success

Beyond the buzz: Balancing AI risk and reward for business success

Hey there, fellow business enthusiasts! Let’s chat a bit about AI (artificial intelligence), possibly the most ubiquitous topic in the entire business world these days. While it’s not exactly a new kid on the block – AI has been in the public eye since the 1950s...