Wow! My most recent article prompted a lot of questions and comments about…wait for it…altruism! I definitely didn’t see that one coming. Seems as if I hit a chord (or maybe even tickled a few nerves) with so many of you. Here’s the lowdown on what you’ve been asking:...
Okay, I’m going to break my usual mold for a moment. You know, I don’t often talk about my personal life (you’re welcome), and I certainly don’t name-drop my travel destinations (you’re even more welcome). But today, I’m making an exception, and, well, please indulge...
The holiday season is officially here—a time for twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and undoubtedly a fair amount of chaos. Before we dive into a maelstrom (too strong a word? I think not) of cookie trays, gift wrapping, and holiday playlists, let’s take a moment to...
Goal-crushing ambition is a good thing. Soul-crushing ambition is not. If you’re ambitious, congratulations! You’ve got drive, vision, and the grit to tackle new opportunities head-on. Whether you’re eyeing a promotion, launching a new business, or completing a huge...
We’ve all heard the phrase “people need people,” right? Well, it turns out, it’s not just a warm, fuzzy sentiment — it’s backed by science. Keeping close to friends and family isn’t just good for your soul; it’s also great for your mind and body. Whether...
Ever find yourself replaying that long-past argument with your colleague? Or stewing over your friend’s snide comment from a few weeks ago? Trust me; you’re not alone. Holding onto anger and hurt can feel justified, but it’s actually doing more harm than you...
Ever find yourself pondering the mysteries of the brain’s Default Mode Network? Or perhaps you’re curious about how forgiveness can transform your well-being? Maybe you’re striving to balance ambition with self-care?