Hey! How much money do you make? What’s your take home pay? You got a raise? What’d they give you? You’re expecting a bonus this year? Like how much? Most likely, these are questions you’ve never been asked, because in our culture, we view them invasive and impolite....
You wouldn’t go on holiday to a far-off land without finding out about the climate, the culture, and whether you need to bring your winter parka or bathing suit, would you? Well, if you’ve never stepped foot in the organization you’re about to...
Hello, and Happy almost-Thanksgiving to my US readers! I’ve been receiving a lot of great questions on my website lately, and while I often answer these questions privately, every now and then, I come across one that I think might be interesting to everyone. In...
Ho-hum. Sigh. Yawn. Another time management article, you say? Yes, I say. Why, you say? Because managing your time effectively is one of the most valuable skills you can master, I say, so let’s stop chatting while I write this article! Okaaaay, you say, but reading...
Hey there! When’s the last time you actually attended a class and learned something new? I’m talking about any class—it could be a weekend CPR/First Aid class at the local Red Cross. Or a gardening class at the YWCA. Or a professional seminar on management and...
Hey you, with the “deer in the headlights” look! Have you just begun a new job? Feeling a little “iffy” about what to do and how to conduct yourself? Well, every single person reading this blog has been where you are at one point or another....