This is How People Over 50 Kick Age Bias—and Find a Job They Love

This is How People Over 50 Kick Age Bias—and Find a Job They Love

I have noticed something recently in my travels around the country. Whenever I talk to groups of businesspeople about presenting themselves in the best possible light for job interviews, more people over the age of 50 are seeking my advice on overcoming age bias in...
Smile, and the World Smiles with you!

Smile, and the World Smiles with you!

Have you heard that adage before? My grandmother used to say it to me when I was a little girl. I was evidently a very smiley kid (or so said all my relatives), and that habit has followed me into adulthood. I truly love to smile, and I believe I’ve benefitted,...
Are You “On Duty” 24/7?

Are You “On Duty” 24/7?

Over the holidays, I received a great question from a reader in Brooklyn, NY, and I thought I would share it in this week’s blog. I think we can all relate to her dilemma: I recently started a job at a new company where the entire team frequently communicates over...
New to the Job? Four Crucial Pointers to Help You Succeed

New to the Job? Four Crucial Pointers to Help You Succeed

Wow! It must be the New Year, because I’ve been receiving a lot of questions from readers who’ve just started new jobs and are looking for advice. We’ve all been there. It’s your first day, and you’re not even sure where to hang your jacket. Or whether it’s OK to use...