Hello, friends, and welcome to 2023! I hope you’re feeling optimistic and excited about the new year and all the amazing possibilities it holds for you. Let’s get this party started!

If you’ve been reading/following me for a while, you know that I rarely feature guest writers. But this month, I’d like to introduce you to Czarina Tabayoyong, author of the blog you’re about to read. I noticed the blogs Czarina was posting on LinkedIn, which were clear, concise, and informative, so I contacted her, we had a great visit, and I invited her to contribute a guest post. I think you’ll enjoy (and profit from) what Czarina has to say about the professional benefits of LinkedIn—which, somewhat ironically, is exactly how she and I connected! 

How to Build an Engaged Following on LinkedIn 

As a business professional, having an engaged following on social media can be the difference between success and failure. And when it comes to networking, there is no better platform than LinkedIn. With millions of professionals already active on the network, building an engaged following on LinkedIn is essential for any successful professional. 

Creating Quality Content 
One of the best ways to build an engaged following on LinkedIn is by creating quality content. This means posting original content that offers value to your audience. This could include blog posts, articles, or even videos. The key here is to make sure that your content is interesting and informative. In addition to providing valuable content, you should also focus on consistency and frequency—the more often you post content, the better your chances of attracting new followers and growing your audience. 

Engaging with Your Network 
Engagement goes both ways on social media—you need to engage with other people's posts as well as your own if you want to build a successful presence on a platform like LinkedIn. Take time every day to comment on relevant posts from other users in your industry or niche. This will help increase visibility for both yourself and others in your network and help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. 

Building Connections 
Another great way to grow an engaged following on LinkedIn is by building connections with professionals in related fields. By connecting with other professionals in related fields, you can increase exposure for both yourself and those you are connected with—and this mutual benefit can have long-lasting effects for both parties involved! Additionally, connecting with other professionals allows you to tap into their knowledge base which can be invaluable when it comes time to seek advice or feedback from individuals outside of your immediate circle.  

Building an engaged following on LinkedIn takes time but it’s well worth the effort if done correctly. By creating quality content regularly and engaging with others in your industry or niche, you can quickly become established as a thought leader in your field which will bring more attention to yourself and those connected with you! Additionally, building connections with other professionals in related fields gives you access to valuable knowledge which can be incredibly helpful when seeking advice or feedback from outside sources. Ultimately, taking these steps will set yourself up for success now and into the future!

Czarina’s bio: With over fifteen years of experience in the recruiting industry and a background in computer engineering, I'm no stranger to the tech world. I have had the privilege to work with hiring managers from some of the biggest names in tech, including Amazon and Google. 

And because I'm also a bit of a statistics nerd (and an aspiring student for data science), numbers happen to be one of my favorite things.  In addition to that, I'm quite fond of relaxing by listening to audiobooks, spending quality time with my seventeen-year-old son, who loves rap music and playing video games with me, as well as watching basketball games - something that I tend to get a bit obsessive about! 

Immigrating from the Philippines about seven years ago has been an incredible experience too. I really enjoy all of this and more that life throws my way.

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