The holiday season is officially here—a time for twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and undoubtedly a fair amount of chaos. Before we dive into a maelstrom (too strong a word? I think not) of cookie trays, gift wrapping, and holiday playlists, let’s take a moment to pause and reflect. Here’s our opportunity to close out 2024 with joy, and step into 2025 feeling lighter, brighter, and ready to embrace all the possibilities the new year holds.

Step 1: Reflect and reframe the year behind us
Let’s be honest—2024 wasn’t perfect. But no year ever is! Still, it was filled with moments that helped shape you. Some were amazing, and others—well, let’s call them “character-building.” This is your chance to reflect on it all and find the lessons and silver linings.
Celebrate your wins—big and small.
Think back on what went well this year. Did you land a promotion? Finally tackle that DIY project that’s been lurking in your garage? Or maybe you simply showed up for yourself and others during tough times. Wins don’t have to be monumental to matter. Even keeping your houseplant alive for another year counts! Celebrating small victories can remind you just how much you’ve accomplished, even on days when it didn’t feel like much.
Reframe your challenges.
Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, see them as opportunities for growth. Maybe a job interview didn’t go as planned, but it led you to reevaluate what you really want in your career. Or perhaps a disagreement with a friend helped you understand each other better. Life is messy, but within that mess are lessons worth learning.
Make a gratitude list.
Grab a pen and jot down five things you’re grateful for this year. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you don’t have to what you do—and that’s a powerful way to end the year on a positive note. You might be surprised how much there is to appreciate when you take the time to notice.

Step 2: Declutter your mind, space, and schedule
There’s something incredibly freeing about letting go of what no longer serves you. It’s like making room for all the good things 2025 has in store.
Declutter your space.
Set aside an afternoon to tidy up. Go through your closet and donate clothes you haven’t worn in years, organize that chaotic junk drawer, or finally get rid of those old magazines piling up in the corner. Think of it as a fresh start for your surroundings. And yes, channel your inner Andrew Mellen or Marie Kondo—if it doesn’t serve you or spark joy, let it go!
Simplify your commitments.
The holidays come with a lot of invitations, but that doesn’t mean you have to say yes to everything. Prioritize the gatherings and activities that truly bring you joy and politely decline the rest. Your energy is a finite resource, so spend it wisely—and guilt-free!

Clear your mental clutter.
Between work deadlines, family obligations, and endless to-do lists, your mind might feel like it’s running on overdrive. Try a “brain dump”—just write down everything swirling around in your head. Then review what you’ve written: some things need to go into your calendar (just scheduled my next dentist appointment), some things need to be communicated to other people (tell my colleagues about a new budget change), and…some things can be forgotten about! (Yay for those.) It’s a simple exercise that can bring instant clarity. Additionally, don’t forget to carve out quiet time for yourself, whether that’s meditating, journaling, or just walking without distractions.

Step 3: Spread holiday cheer (without losing your mind)
The holidays are about giving, but you don’t have to overextend yourself to make the season special. Sometimes, the simplest gestures have the biggest impact.
Give the gift of presence.
Instead of stressing over finding the “perfect” gift, focus on spending quality time with the people you love. Host a game night, bake cookies together, or take a leisurely stroll through a holiday market. Your presence will mean far more than anything you could buy.
Practice random acts of kindness.
Hold the door open for someone, compliment a stranger’s festive sweater, or leave a cheerful note for your barista. These little moments of kindness can brighten someone’s day—and yours, too. Feeling extra creative? Tape some quarters to a vending machine with a message like, “A treat for you—happy holidays!”
Set boundaries with love.
Family gatherings can be wonderful, but let’s be real—they can also be a little overwhelming. It’s okay to take a walk when you need a breather or gently steer conversations away from topics that spark tension. Boundaries aren’t selfish; they’re necessary for keeping your holiday spirit intact.

Step 4: Look ahead with optimism and intention
The start of a new year is like opening a brand-new notebook—full of blank pages waiting to be filled. Approach 2025 with curiosity, hope, and a sense of possibility.
Set intentions, not resolutions.
Personally, I happen to like New Year’s Resolutions. They make me feel excited about my ongoing self-improvement efforts. However, I understand that for many people, resolutions can feel rigid and overwhelming. So instead, if resolutions aren’t your thing, try focusing on intentions that are flexible and rooted in how you want to feel. For example, instead of “I’ll exercise for one hour, five times per week,” try “I’ll prioritize moving my body in ways that feel good.” Intentions are gentler, more forgiving, and sometimes even more inspiring.

Choose a word or mantra for the year.
Pick a word or phrase that embodies what you want more of in your life. Maybe it’s “balance,” “courage,” or “joy.” Write it down, stick it on your fridge, or make it the lock screen on your phone. Let it guide you throughout the year.
Dream big—and small.
Sure, 2025 could be the year you launch a business or finally run that marathon. But it’s also okay to dream about simpler pleasures, like trying a new hobby or spending more time with friends. Big or small, your dreams matter.

Step 5: Practice holiday self-care
Amid all the giving, don’t forget to give yourself the gift of self-care.
Indulge in your favorite traditions.
What makes the holidays magical for you? Maybe it’s baking cookies, rewatching your favorite holiday movies, or singing along (badly) to seasonal tunes. Whatever it is, make time for it. Joy is just as important as productivity!
Take care of your body.
Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and balance those holiday treats with nourishing meals. And remember, it’s all about moderation. You can have your cookie and eat it too—just don’t forget to drink some water afterward!
Say no when you need to.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to say no. Whether it’s skipping a party or taking a night off from baking cookies, give yourself permission to rest. The world will keep turning, and you’ll feel better for it.

Step 6: Embrace the magic of imperfection
No holiday season is perfect, and that’s part of what makes it memorable.
Laugh it off.
The cookies may burn, Aunt Rachel might tell the same embarrassing story for the fifth year in a row, and someone will definitely spill the eggnog. Embrace the chaos and laugh—it makes for the best stories later.
Focus on connection, not perfection.
Your guests won’t remember whether your pie crust was homemade or store-bought. They’ll remember the laughter, love, and warmth they felt. That’s what the holidays are all about.

A sparkling send-off
As we close out 2024 and look ahead to 2025, I want to thank you—yes, YOU—for being part of this journey. Your support, curiosity, and kindness inspire me every single day, and I’m so grateful for this community we’ve built.
Let’s step into the new year with gratitude in our hearts, joy in our lives, and a commitment to make the world a little brighter—one kind word, one thoughtful gesture, and one hopeful step at a time.
From my heart to yours, I wish you the happiest of holidays and a New Year filled with love, laughter, and boundless possibilities. Here’s to 2025—let’s make it amazing together!
In 2024 I have learned to expect the unexpected. Learned to live with uncertainty and demonstrate resilience from the Covid years. Here’s to looking forward with gratitude to 2025 and all that it may bring!
Thank you, Amy! All the best to you in the new year!