I’m here to inspire and empower you to achieve your goals and realize your dreams— in school, at work, in relationships, and in life!

Work It!

Get In, Get Noticed, Get Promoted

I wrote Work it! to help young professionals everywhere take charge of their careers, and find meaningful employment in their ideal line of work. Work it! shows you how to overcome obstacles that may be holding you back from success and fulfillment; how to maintain positivity and passion in everyday life; how to find (and keep) a meaningful, satisfying job; how to seek growth within an organization and find new, challenging opportunities; how to fit in at work and become a respected member of the team; how to practice assertiveness in all aspects of communication; how to get noticed for promotion; how to move up the ladder into management positions; how (and when) to gracefully move on if a position isn’t working out the way you had hoped or expected; and how to have a fun and fulfilling life along the way. In a nutshell, Work it! is the quintessential primer for anyone looking to achieve career success! Click here to read reviews and praise for Work It!

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Read the latest:

Your brain’s secret superpower: The Default Mode Network

Your brain’s secret superpower: The Default Mode Network

Have you ever caught yourself happily staring out the window, lost in thought about the past, or fantasizing about the future? Congratulations! You’ve been hanging out with your Default Mode Network (DMN). This incredible brain network works behind the scenes...

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Achieve more, stress less: Balancing ambition with self-care

Achieve more, stress less: Balancing ambition with self-care

Goal-crushing ambition is a good thing. Soul-crushing ambition is not. If you’re ambitious, congratulations! You’ve got drive, vision, and the grit to tackle new opportunities head-on. Whether you’re eyeing a promotion, launching a new business, or completing a huge...

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